Racemi, the self-proclaimed "moving company for cloud," now has $10 million in fresh Series C funding to bring its service to new markets.

This round, led by new backer Milestone Venture Partners, brings total funding to $29.3million. The news comes just about a year after the company netted $7 million in Series B funding. Harbert Venture Partners and Paladin Capital Group, which took part in that round, are back again this time out.

Atlanta-based Racemi's goal in life is to enable companies move their IT betwixt and between different clouds -- an important consideration for companies leery of getting locked into a single cloud provider. In that quest it competes with companies like CloudVelocity, DoubleTake, PlateSpin (once part of Novell and now part of Attachmate's NetIQ business) and RiverMeadow.

Racemi said its DynaCenter software captures the software deployment from operating system, applications, up to configuration—and converts it to run on the target platform by applying the necessary tools and drivers during the migration process.

DynaCenter claims to be pretty much hypervisor, operating system and cloud agnostic. It supports Hyper-V(s msft), VMware(s vmw) ESX, and Citrix(s ctrx) Xen hypervisors -- KVM is not listed. In operating systems it handles Windows Server as well as Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu and SuSE Linux flavors. And it can move IT to/from and between clouds including IBM(s ibm) SoftLayer; Amazon(s amzn) EC2; Rackspace(s rax); Verizon(s vz) Terremark and GoGrid.