Microsoft(s msft) is now encrypting messages flowing between its own mail service and third-party mail providers using Transport Layer Security and has also enabled Perfect Forward Security in and OneDrive file storage. Perfect Forward Secrecy uses a different encryption key for each connection, according to a Microsoft Technet blog. 

TLS support means that mail flowing into and out of accounts is encrypted and "thus better protected as it travels between Microsoft and other email providers" provided that those other email vendors also support TLS, according to Matt Thomlinson, VP of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Security group in his post.

Microsoft rival  Google(s goog) last month called for other email providers to make use of Perfect Forward Secrecy technology so that messages are protected from their point of creation to their destination.

Thomlinson also said Microsoft worked with international mail providers including Deutsche Telekom, Yandex and Mail.Ru "to test and help ensure that mail stays encrypted in transit to and from each email service.

Ever since Edward Snowden's disclosures about the U.S. National Security Agency snooping on cloud customer data, U.S. cloud providers have been falling all over themselves to prove they are good stewards of customer information.

Microsoft's general counsel Brad Smith, who spoke on the topic at Gigaom's recent Structure Conference, has been in the forefront of that fight.

All of these companies argue that unchecked (and secretive) government data gathering is bad for their business and argue that is also bad for the U.S. in general. The NSA disclosures have given non-U.S.-based cloud providers a powerful marketing tool to argue that German citizens (or companies) stick to German providers for their cloud computing needs. Ditto France etc.

Now U.S. tech powers like Microsoft, HP, Google, et al. have to show that they are prepared to fight -- even the U.S. government if need be -- to protect customer data.

At Structure, Hewlett-Packard EVP Bill Veghte said NSA-gate had hurt cloud adoption in China which is building infrastructure like gangbusters while U.S. vendors have to deal with spying concerns. "It's just a bummer," he said.