Twitter (s twtr) seems to be on a roll with acquiring mobile ad companies. Ad startup TapCommerce announced in a blog post on Monday that it has been acquired by the microblogging company. While the details of the deal remain undisclosed, Recode reported that it likely cost Twitter somewhere around $100 million.

TapCommerce, which was founded in 2012, specializes in mobile ad retargeting -- allowing mobile app companies the means to find users who have downloaded an app or purchased a product through their phone and re-engage with them. On a platform like Twitter, this means that TapCommerce's technology could help find users who are already loyal and serve them ads with new products or specials.

Twitter shed light on what it hopes to acquire in a corresponding blog:

Together with the TapCommerce team, Twitter will be able to offer mobile app marketers more robust capabilities for app re-engagement, tools and managed service solutions for real-time programmatic buying, and better measurement capabilities. Combined with our other ad solutions, advertisers will be able to drive conversions and ROI with mobile consumers on and off of Twitter, across the full user lifecycle — from acquiring new users through app installs, to engaging existing users who already have the advertisers' apps on their device.

Given those intentions, it's probably no coincidence that the announcement comes on the same day that Twitter announced the global roll-out of its mobile app install ad cards. With the power of TapCommerce at its back, in combination with MoPub and native mobile advertising startup Namo Media, Twitter will have the resources to aggressively pursue mobile ads both inside and outside of its own platform.