Development cycles are startups' most critical resource, yet there's only two ways to get more:
I'll leave Silicon Valley engineering hiring crises alone and focus on how to immediately increase efficiency and happiness for the engineers and developers you already have: Eliminate their biggest chore, log management.
Logs are the critical path to understanding application health. Loggly surveys indicate that almost half of our customers were doing nothing to aggregate log data before Loggly and one-third tried to build their own log management solutions. While neither approach scales economically, the biggest drawback is your scare element of #Engineerium is still depreciated by a development-cycle robbing activity.
Four ways that log management benefits will save you #Engineerium:
- Dramatically reduce time required to troubleshoot operational problems. Gaming service provider xsolla reports it saves three person-hours per day with its log management service.
- Stopping the internal brain drain caused by maintaining your own logging infrastructure. Rumble Entertainment reduced monthly costs 75 percent with Loggly.
- Creating an early-warning system that prevents midnight fire drills and application downtime. Loggly integrates with PagerDuty so you're never the last to know, ensuring you wake the right resource.
- Enabling data-driven development planning. SendHub uses KPIs from logs to guide service level and development project goals each quarter.
Test drive the world's most popular enterprise-class log management solution today and see just how much #Engineerium you'll save.